Wednesday, February 13, 2008

la pneumonia ala whine

well, for sucks. i developing pneumonia as the chaser to that lovely flu that i only just/somewhat recovered from. i was afraid of this, because i knew all the stress i've been under (and the long hours put in at work trying to keep down the reason for stress) wouldn't mean a complete recovery. and the flu i had was just so damn respiratory.

also, something is wrong with the internet at home, so i can only interact electronically at work, which is rare because i'm swamped under reports that are all due NOW!

i need rest.


worry said...

you ok?

Lucy Goldwyn said...

hellooooo crappycakes.

Inga said...

Nice boobs.

Oh. I mean: Feel better!!!

Anonymous said...


Michelle said...

OH no! I hope you are feeling better this week. And I hope you got your rest.