a month worth of weeks have gone by, huh? wow. i should say: i feel lost recounting it all on the blog (partly because it feels too obligatory). and instead of this being a diary-of-sorts, i think in the future i’ll use this as a repository for stuff i want to remember and share. but in this case, i do want to share...
times been good lately.
one weekend last month, karl and i flew to san diego to be in claudia’s wedding (photo a: i helped her make that veil and she designed her own dress, which was really hip). the couple channeled their inner goth-chic when putting the event together, which meant that karl and i, groomsman and bridesmaid, wore black and blood red for the event. karl jokingly said it was like being in a fall out boy video. after the wedding, we hung out with kelly and enjoyed a new bar in town (now my favorite SD bar), hamilton’s.
the following week (which included halloween), karl’s sister, inga, came out to stay with us for about a week, which was like-the-best-week-evah. i love having visitors from home and showing them fayetteville and i do believe she and i get along really well. who knew i’d marry into a family with such a likeable sister-in-law? she was here for halloween and because we had a party/band’s show to go to, we dressed up as a barely recognizable three’s company (photo b: and yeah, that’s not a wig, that’s my hair, big-style). the band, the darksuits, was a ton of fun and the night filled itself with goofy dancing (thanks karl) and getting our ukrainian friend who dressed up as an amish dude to pose with two random, “sexy” costumed ladies. the rest of inga’s stay included a lot of fun hikes/walks and eating out (not that kind, you perv).
weekend featured in photo c is from karl’s flickr series, which was taken at the tulsa, ok zoo. we randomly decided to drive out there to see the zoo and have indian food. zoo highlights include the world’s largest freshwater fish, nonchalant chimp sex, super cute meerkats, and a photo-op diss from a llama. the indian food was also a treat, aside from the small piece of sharp metal (?) found in karl’s dish. small, dangerously sharp object in food is a small problem, right? erm.
and finally, last weekend i went on a trip with a couple of my lady friends, ali and ki, to OK city to see modest mouse. it was a great show (especially because we managed to get floor tickets) and man man, who opened the show, also managed to steal it, in my opinion. karl’s sister introduced me to man man last year and i kind of forgot about them until seeing them live this last weekend. imagine a catchy, rockin’ band full of dudes that resemble animal from the muppets and think about how fun it would be to see that in person.
so, yeah, that’s what i’ve been up to.
Don't lie. You were Karen O for Halloween.
I see you changed the "eating out" to say "eating out (not that kind, you perv)." You have no idea how much I restrained myself about making a comment before. I'm glad somebody else did it for me.
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