studying for the LSAT (and spanish, but that's another story) is back to full force. and because it is a year or so away, i've got to start thinking about where i'll be attending law school.
i've got one small advantage being a minority, which is also coupled with fairly good grades and some nice letters of recommendation. the results of the LSAT will play a really big part in where i can fall on the map, though. but here is the list of schools i am interested in:

-uc berkeley
-ut austin
-washington university, st. louis
-university of minnesota, twin cities
-university of illinois, urbana-champaign
-uc davis
-uc hastings
-university of new mexico
-university of oregon
-university of san diego
-university of arkansas
naturally, i am not applying to ALL of those. i hope to get some application fees waived, but not all of them will be so generous. and let's face it, at an average of $50 a pop, that's a lot of money when you add it all up.
but i would like some help considering the list above. karl needs to live where they're still developing and/or have city planning positions and that naturally plays into my choice of school. my personal requirements are: to go to a fairly good school with an immigration law program. as i write this, i really miss california and i would love the chance to go back. but that goes back and forth.
so, do you know anything about any of these schools? do you have a suggestion that's off this list that i should consider? help!
(oh yeah, and because i obviously needed a distraction, we bought a wii this weekend)
university of girls should cook and clean
USC USC USC !!! (or I could settle for you going to UCLA, too, I guess)
and tell Karl that L.A. is an absolute freakin mess. We can use his city planning skillz
I want to say the Bay Area schools for my own quality of life, but then again I would love a reason to visit North Carolina, Nashville, Austin, and the Twin Cities.
Eugene is dangerous because I might move in with you.
erm... if USC or UCLA want to make significant financial contributions to the Longamore Educational Fund, then come to LA... otherwise, norcal seems so much nicer to me. even if it is overplayed, berkeley sounds crunchy glamorous. and i always love austin. just my two cents. i'm sure that the others are lovely as well.
no no no, none of those melissa
this one sounds good to me. and it's boulder. you know the gossip about boulder dontcha? ; ) i would visit you ALL the time (hint, wink, nudge)
or this one:
and then we could go to the same school!!! well, sorta. not law school for me, but dammit, same city!!
Wait until I get a job, then apply appropriately, durrrrr.
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