it’s another snow day here in fayetteville, arkansas. mild, of course, in comparison to the amounts that up-state NY has been blanketed with. yet, karl and i are still getting used to it, as this is our second real winter.
growing up, i’ve lived in about every county in southern california. though i’ve seen snow on rare occasions stick for a few hours, it certainly did not prepare me for weather like this. and karl grew up in san diego, where we both met. so, it should come at little surprise that this year’s snow has taught us some hard lessons about driving in inclement weather.
our brand new honda fit suffered its first blemish early this month when karl lost control and rear-ended another car. the damages were minor (and cosmetic); yet being a brand new model means the repairs are not going to be so minor. it’s a great car and i am anxious to have it back to its original silver finery.
despite my sobering lessons with snow, i have a difficult time holding a grudge when looking out my window watching the snowflakes fall. who knew that they looked so pretty when looking at them close-up?
plus, isn’t even the icy cold pretty?:
photo, taken by karl, of the train tracks south of the UA campus
1 comment:
Technically, that picture is of the tracks where they run under the Maple St. bridge on the west side of campus, but the tracks themselves do snake around to the south side too, so yeah, you're safe this round.
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